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Gosforth Solicitors Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear

How much will it cost me to obtain copies of my medical notes and records?

The cost of obtaining medical notes and records for a living individual is governed by the Data Protection Regulations 200 and is limited to £50.00 per set of records, inclusive of administration charges and VAT.


Unfortunately, when obtaining the records for a deceased individual, the costs are not limited in the same way and this means that the healthcare provider will be entitled to charge you for copying on a per sheet basis, as well as any administration charges associated with provision of the records. For this reason, we would strongly advise that the cost of obtaining the records for a Deceased individual is requested up front, before any copying is done, to ensure that it is not prohibitively expensive.

Obtaining Medical Records when someone has died


Medical notes and records can be obtained when a person has died under the Access to Health Records Act 1990 by either anyone who is acting as a Personal Representative (Executor, or Administrator of the Estate) in connection with a claim for damages for the benefit of the deceased individual’s estate under the provisions of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934.


Access to a deceased individual’s medical notes and records can also be requested by anyone who has a right to pursue a claim in their own right under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976, for example a surviving spouse, the parents of a child who has passed away under the age of 18, or anyone else who was financially dependent upon the Deceased.

The cost of obtaining the medical records for a deceased individual is not limited (as it is in the case of records for someone who is alive), so you should make sure to request details of the charges before any copying is done.

Help obtaining medical notes and records to investigate a Medical Negligence claim


When investigating a claim for medical negligence, one of the first things we will do is to request copies of all medical notes and records which may be relevant to your claim, meaning that we will draft the formal request for records and make sure that they are provided within the specified time; and will make the necessary application to court if the records are not provided in accordance with the provisions of the law.


We also have funding options available which mean that we would cover the cost of obtaining these records, rather than you having to pay for them yourself.

How long do they have to provide the records?


  • Where the records have been updated within the last 40 days, access should be provided within 21 days.

  • Where the records have been updated over 40 days ago, they have 40 days to provide the records.


If records are not provided within the specified time limit, it is possible to make an application to court for an order that the records should be disclosed within a specified time limit and to claim payment of any legal costs associated with the making of the application.

Who to write to


To request copies of medical notes and records, a request should be made in writing.


Any request for GP records should be addressed to the Practice Manager of the Surgery.


In the case of NHS Hospital records, the request should be addressed to the Medical Records Office of the NHS Trust where you have received treatment.


Where treatment has been received privately, then your request should be addressed directly to the Consultant who has treated you, or to the manager of the private hospital where you received treatment.

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McKeag & Co have been established on Tyneside for over 100 years and during this time have been successful in obtaining millions of pounds compensation for people who have suffered abuse.


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McKeag & Co Solicitors

Please note that on 4th July 2022, we acquired the practice of Brennans Solicitors LLP. SRA Number: 542642 and are the successor practice for that firm.

Please note that on 1st February 2019, we acquired the practice of Stephens McDonald & Robson. SRA Number: 629167 and are the successor practice for that firm.


McKeag & Co is a trading name of McKeag & Co Solicitors LLP, a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number OC398140).

Our registered office is at 1-3 Lansdowne Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1HN.

VAT Registration No. 280 1684 06


We use the word Partner to describe a senior person within the LLP rather than an owner of the firm or a Solicitor. The designation of Partner should therefore be read in this way. A list of Members is available for inspection at our registered office.

We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) as McKeag & Co number 636733.

The SRA Standards and Regulations set out the regulatory framework imposed on service providers such as ours.


Further information about the relevant Codes of Conduct are included on the SRA website

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*Roisin O'Donnell is the accredited

Lifetime Lawyer at McKeag & Co Solicitors

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